These are just suggestions done purely out of boredom. (can choose to ignore haha)
Note: nothing against the present sub OG names!
radon ( a chemically inert, radioactive gaseous element produced by the decay of radium: emissions produced by outgassing of rock, brick, etc. are a health hazard) --> reydon (it really is pronounced this way!)
remix- reymix
reyal- rea; (in wall.e. language heh)
rebel- reybel
rhythm -reythm
realm- reylm
Another suggestion is that we can actually fit the sub OG names into the storyline itself. So there's this sense of belonging coz everyone's part of REYDAR!
So maybe Reydar likes to eat raisins and maybe the nuclear waste thingy he fell into contained radon etc etc. haha
P.S will put up the banner draft soon :)